At-Home Laser Hair Removal Devices
At-home laser devices have gained popularity for their convenience and cost-effectiveness, but they often fall short in comparison to professional laser treatments offered by clinics like Permanent Choice.

IPL (intense pulsed light) technology, frequently mistaken for laser hair removal, is used in various at-home hair removal devices. These devices can be erratic, and inconsistent.
Many IPL devices are not powerful enough, leading to long term usage before results. It might take months before you notice any changes, and discontinuing its use often leads to hair regrowth.
Because these devices aren't consistently regulated by the FDA, there could be safety issues, especially for people with darker skin who might be more prone to burns.
Professional laser hair removal utilizes higher-powered, precise, and customizable laser equipment operated by trained technicians, reducing the likelihood of side effects and maximizing the success of the hair removal process.