Pre and Post Care Instructions

Together we achieve success! 


If you have any questions regarding any of the information below, please contact us at 952-898-1111.

*Permanent Choice limits the procedures that are offered to clients who are pregnant. If you are currently pregnant or become pregnant during your treatments, please let us know in advance. We may need to modify or postpone your treatments until after you give birth.

*For all hair removal treatments, if you have not seen hair regrowth in the treatment area contact us a minimum of two days prior to your appointment to reschedule for a later date.

*Adverse reactions are very rare and can be unpredictable. Due to this, we will not perform a procedure two weeks prior to a special event (e.g. wedding, reunion, interview, etc.)


For electrolysis, we need three to four days of hair growth present when you arrive at each of your sessions. Once you begin sessions you can no longer tweeze, wax, epilate or thread the treated area. We recommend not tweezing two weeks prior to your first treatment.

Chemical peels or facials should be avoided one week before and one week after treatment of the same area.

Treatments should be repeated every two to four weeks for maximum effectiveness.

Electrolysis works best when the hairs are in the active growing phase. For the maximum results, we recommend not waiting more than two to three weeks once you have seen the new hair growth appear.

If you have a history of cold sores, electrolysis and laser around the mouth may trigger this to occur. If you would like to take preventative action or feel a cold sore developing we are able to call in an Acyclovir prescription for you. When calling please let us know your date of birth and the pharmacy where you would like to pick up your prescription.

Day of Procedure:

If you have not filled out the online intake form please arrive ten minutes early to fill out this form.

If applicable, apply numbing cream 20-30 minutes prior to treatment. Your technician will remove the product prior to treatment.

Clients should arrive at the appointment with clean skin, free of lotions, make-up, sprays, or creams in the treatment area.

After Care:

It is normal to experience redness and swollen skin in the treatment area.

  • Avoid any activity which would promote irritation to the treatment area. (scratching/scrubbing)
  • Keep treatment areas clean by utilizing products like antiseptic skin washes, witch hazel, hydrogen peroxide, or 70% isopropyl alcohol.
  • Apply an antiseptic ointment like bacitracin. (Neosporin is not recommended)
  • Apply ice to treated areas to reduce swelling.
  • Small pinpoint scabbing is normal and should be treated with care. Do not touch or pick at any scabbing. Be sure to inform your Electrologist if you do experience scabbing.
  • Hyperpigmentation (darkening) or hypopigmentation (lightening) is a risk if you pick or scratch when the skin is healing.
  • Use only fresh makeup purchased within 90 days, and new/cleaned applicators and brushes.
  • Avoid topical medications 5 days before or after treatment.


Laser Hair Removal

Prior to your laser hair removal treatment, there are a few things you will need to prepare for.

Check all medications for light sensitivity or sun sensitivity warnings. Sun-sensitizing medications including antibiotics, Z-Pac (used to treat various infections including sinus, tooth, bladder, etc), and prescription topical creams cannot be used or taken within 10 DAYS of your treatment. Clients will be denied treatment if a light-sensitizing medication is last used within 10 days of your appointment.

Extra pigment in the skin will always negatively impact the success of laser treatments and light-based treatments. It is important to be at your lightest skin color possible to ensure the most success during the course of your sessions. Each time you come in for your laser session you need to be the same color in skin tone as your last appointment or lighter. If you are on maintenance treatments you cannot have any extra pigment present in the areas we are treating.

Be sure to shave the hair in the treatment area 1-2 days prior to your treatment. If this is your first appointment with Permanent Choice we ask you to shave all unwanted hair in the treatment area, leaving a small 1” X 1” square for photos. If you are unable to shave, please let us know when you schedule, and additional time will be added to your appointment for shaving. Please note: There is an additional $25 fee if we need to shave the area for you.

Wearing a Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB 30 SPF or greater is required for all clients undergoing laser treatments. Sunscreen must be worn at least three weeks prior to your first laser session. The sunscreen must also continue to be worn during the course of your treatments in any area(s) where you are having treatments if exposed to UV light. It is recommended that the sunscreen contain Zinc Oxide. Reapply every two hours when in direct sunlight. If you need a sunscreen recommendation please let us know.

For maximum effectiveness, laser treatments should be repeated every 6-8 weeks. Going off schedule for more than one session WILL result in an increased number of treatments to complete your laser sessions. A typical female client over the age of twenty years old will typically need about 6-8 laser treatments. A male client will generally need about 7-12 laser treatments for the body and 8-15 laser treatments for the face.

If you have a history of cold sores electrolysis and laser around the mouth may trigger an outbreak.

Once you begin sessions you can no longer tweeze, wax, epilate or thread the area being treated.

First Appointment:

If you have not already filled out the medical intake form sent to you, please arrive fifteen minutes early to fill it out.

Day of the Procedure:

Clients should arrive at appointments with clean skin, free of lotions, make-up, sprays, or creams in the treatment area or deodorant if having the underarms treated.

**If you are on maintenance treatments and only need random hairs treated please come in with at least one week's worth of growth. If a majority of the area needs treatment please shave the area the night before your laser session.

One (1) year prior to your treatment you must have been off Accutane. We cannot treat you if you have been on Accutane in the last year.

Three (3) weeks prior to your treatment avoid the items (in the treatment area) listed below:

  • Tanning Beds
  • Self-Tanners
  • Extended Sun Exposure
  • Discontinue tweezing, waxing, epilating, or threading the area(s) to be treated (any method that removes the hair by the root). The root of the hair must be present to treat.

Seven (7) days prior to your treatment avoid the items (in the treatment area) listed below:

  • Alpha Hydroxy (Glycolic or Lactic Acid)
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Beta Hydroxy (Salicylic Acid)
  • Retinol Products
  • Microdermabrasion, Facials & Chemical Peels


All treatment areas should be treated like sunburn.

If you experience any itching or skin irritation post-treatment apply aloe, witch hazel, or Benadryl gel to help soothe the skin.

Avoid activities that heat the body up for 24-72 hours post-treatment. Activities like strenuous exercise, saunas, hot tubs, or hot showers will cause irritation to the skin in treated areas.

For 2 weeks post-treatment, you will be more light-sensitive, meaning you will be more prone to sunburns. During this time period, we highly recommend using a Broad Spectrum UVA/UVB SPF of 30 or greater, reapplying at a minimum every two hours when in direct sunlight.